Dr. Tobias Loose Schweißsimulation FabWeld Fertigungssimulation Welding Simulation Dr. Loose GmbH

Structural design

Stability survey

Houses, industrial buildings

and engineering structures,

strength design of machines and plants

We provide you with stability analyses for all structures or parts of structures.  

Our specialty is steel and composite construction. 

Our references:

  • Industrial halls in steel construction
  • Clarification basins in reinforced concrete
  • Steel bridges and composite bridges for roads and railroads
  • Houses and industrial buildings

Special projects:

  • Reconstruction and repair of the Rhine bridge Breisach
  • Verifications for the temperature load case asphalt paving Rhine bridge Speyer and Breisach
  • Verifications for structural elements within the scope of building inspectorate approvals

Special verifications:

  • Fatigue analysis for dynamically stressed structural elements
  • Strength verifications for machine components 
Dr. Tobias Loose, structural design, bridge, static surveyimulation, Fügetechnik, Ingenieurdienstleistung, schweißtechnische Beratung, Wärmebehandlung, numerische Analyse, Schweißsimulation und Fertigungssimulation, Prozesssimulation

Rhine bridge Breisach

Dr. Tobias Loose, Stability survey,

Donaubrücke Ingolstadt ICE-Strecke München-Berlin.

Verbundbrücke mit unten liegender Betonplatte und oben liegendem Stahlträger

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